An influencer from India has been fined Rs 17,000 for stopping her car on a highway to shoot a video for Instagram Reels. The incident took place in the city of Hyderabad, where the influencer, who has not been named, was caught by the police while shooting the video.


According to reports, the influencer had stopped her car in the middle of the busy highway to shoot the video. The police, who were on patrolling duty, spotted her and fined her for the violation. The influencer was fined Rs 17,000 for stopping her car in a no-stopping zone and causing obstruction to the traffic.


The incident has sparked a debate on social media, with many people criticizing the influencer for her reckless behavior. Many people have pointed out that stopping a car on a busy highway is not only dangerous but also illegal.


This incident highlights the growing trend of influencers risking their lives and breaking the law for the sake of social media fame. It is important for influencers to understand that their actions can have serious consequences not only for themselves but also for others around them.


In conclusion, the influencer's action of stopping her car on a busy highway to shoot a video for Instagram Reels was not only dangerous but also illegal. It is important for influencers to understand that their actions have consequences and they should be responsible and considerate while creating content for social media.